Auror Solutions for Solving Crime

17 States - No ORC Laws
Lets Get Them Nationwide
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Carolinas Organized Retail Crime Alliance (CORCA)

On Feb. 4, 2016, the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association and South Carolina Retail Association and local law enforcement agencies announced the formation of the Carolinas Organized Retail Crime Alliance (CORCA).

Mid-Atlantic Organized Crime Alliance (MAORCA)

The mission of MAORCA is to provide a forum to align Private Sector & Law Enforcement professionals throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region & jointly develop awareness to crime trends impacting our communities.

Missouri Organized Retail Crime Association (MORCA)

MORCA started with 160 members, law enforcement and loss prevention
professionals; 47 law enforcement agencies and 24 retail companies that were participating. As of July 2015, it has  1,378 members, 284 law enforcement agencies
​and 86 retail companies that are participating.

Northern Nevada Organized Retail Crime Alliance  (NNORCA)

NNORCA is a statewide crime-fighting partnership focused on the issues relevant to Northern Nevada communities. This alliance allows retailers and law enforcement to communicate about criminal activity impacting businesses on a real-time basis realizing the need to combine efforts to combat the growing problem of ORC.

Area Law Enforcement and Retail Team (A.L.E.R.T.) - Knox County, TN

Learn about how a successful program implemented in Knox County, Tennessee quickly led to the arrest of hundreds of criminals who were preying on shoppers and retailers.

Organized Retail Crime Association of Idaho (ORCAID)

ORCAID has evolved into a highly efficient coalition dedicated to serving Idaho businesses and communities impacted by ORC through sharing intelligence, photographs, and surveillance video. 

Indiana Retail Organized Crime Coalition (IROCC)

This coalition was formed in 2011 when members of the retail community and law enforcement got together to discuss ORC and its impact on our businesses. After trial and error, deciding who should be part of the meeting and figuring out what we wanted to accomplish, we have started moving in the right direction.

Los Angeles Area Organized Retail Crimes Association (LAAORCA)

In December 2007, at the direction of former Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Chief of Police (COP), William Bratton, detectives from LAPD, Commercial Crimes Division (CCD), Southwest, Northeast, and Van Nuys Areas met with representatives of the Target Corporation to develop specific strategies in reducing crime in and around their stores.

ORC Associations - Their History and Stories

Northern California Organized Retail Crime Association (NCORCA) 

The Northern California Organized Retail Crime Association (NCORCA) was founded in 2010 by the City of Roseville, California Police Department and a core group of Retail Loss Prevention Managers. The initial goal of the group was for retail establishments and local law enforcement to partner in reducing organized retail crime.

Alaska Organized Retail Crime Alliance (AKORCA)

Anchorgage Police Department detective Jackie Conn shares the story about how the Alaska Organized Retail Crime Alliance (AKORCA) was established, starting with the group's first meeting in 2008.

Retail Organized Crime Coalition (ROCC)

ROCC is the avenue connecting loss prevention investigators and federal law enforcement at the headquarter level. It was forged to combat chronic retail organized crime through case referrals, education and the distribution of timely intelligence.

Georgia Retail Association Organized Retail Crime Alliance (GRAORCA)

The Georgia Retail Association Loss Prevention Council (GRALPC) was formed in 2010 after the successful passage of the Georgia Smash and Grab act. This legislation was developed, lobbied, and enacted into law as a direct result of the GRA formed coalition of Retail Loss Prevention, Corporate and Regional leaders.

Want to share your group's story with the retail loss prevention community? Send in an article and pictures for your association and we'll feature it in the widely read D&D Daily e-newsletter and here on the ORC Resource Center.

Contact us today!

Colorado Organized Retail Crime Alliance (COORCA)

The idea of building COORCA developed when a number of Detectives and Retail Loss Prevention Investigators and Managers came together to find a way to improve what they were doing by combining the membership of their respective groups to create one central organization that could serve all of the different jurisdictions in the area.